This video lesson will teach you a few standard riffs using the blues scale. Let's review the Blues Scale in the key of A. Remember you can use this scale over major or minor chords. It all depends on ...
In this lesson by Jody Worrell we'll learn a lick straight out of the A Minor Blues Scale. It's got some twists and turns in it that make it have a really sophisticated sound. ...
In this lesson by Peter Vogl we'll explore cross stringing scales. A cross stringing scale differs from a normal scale in that we play the same notes, but on different strings. Cross stringing is a go ...
Thirds are part of any country song. Watch this video lesson to explore playing thirds in various keys and how to tastefully use them when soloing. ...
This video lesson is about some basic chord ideas I learned from listening to Hendrix. Let's start with a basic version of C, the bar chord version. This is a inversion of the chord C major. It is a f ...
Tapping and changing strings gets a hair more difficult. Here's one way of making this happen. Once you learn the premise I'm sure you can come up with more. Start tapping at the 17th fret - 2nd strin ...
This video lesson will teach you a simple jazz progression in G. This video requires knowledge of these chords: GM7, G#dim7, Am7, and D7. ...
This video lesson teaches you how to play a simple jazz progressions. You will explore different chord inversions and progressions to expand your jazz library. ...
This lesson will use the same lick at three different positions on the guitar with each one using a different scale. The first lick will use the Gm Pentatonic Scale. The next lick uses the Cm Pentaton ...
Yet another great video from the generous folks at time learn how to play the rock guitar with Paul Howard, who knew after listening to The Beatles he was going to be a musician. ...